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MRI Patient Transfer

Our Products: MRI Transport > MRI Patient Transfer
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Show product details for Bariatric Patient Transfer Board

Bariatric Patient Transfer Board

Bariatric Patient Transfer Boards are semi-flexible moving platforms, with hand holes all the way around allowing safe and efficient transfer of patients for general imaging, MRI and CT.

Show product details for Bariatric Patient Shifter

Bariatric Patient Shifter

Bariatric Patient Shifters make lateral transfers for patients up to 600 lbs easier and safer and also reduce caretaker back strain by minimizing friction on transfer services.

Show product details for Anti Static Bariatric Patient Shifter

Anti Static Bariatric Patient Shifter

Anti Static Bariatric Patient Shifters make lateral transfers for patients up to 600 lbs easier and safer and reduces caretaker back strain by minimizing friction on transfer services.

Show product details for Plastic Transfer Board

Plastic Transfer Board

Plastic Transfer Boards bridge the gap between two patient transfer points. The Transfer Board is made of flexible plastic.

Show product details for Curved Banana Transfer Board

Curved Banana Transfer Board

Curved Banana Transfer Boards enable a variety of positioning options but allows for the natural sweeping motion of an assisted transfer.

Show product details for Static Treated Aqua Transfer Board, Choose Size

Static Treated Aqua Transfer Board, Choose Size

Static Treated Aqua Transfer Boards make transfers over uneven surfaces safe and simple. Static Treated Aqua Transfer Boards easily slide on a bed or stretcher pad.

Show product details for Static Treated White Transfer Board

Static Treated White Transfer Board

Static Treated White Transfer Boards make transfers over uneven surfaces safe and simple. Static Treated White Transfer Boards easily slide on a bed or stretcher pad.

Show product details for Transfer Device Storage Rack

Transfer Device Storage Rack

Transfer Device Storage Racks adjust to hold transfer board vertically or horizontally. One board can be stored per rack.

Show product details for Slide Board Patient Transfer Sheet

Slide Board Patient Transfer Sheet

Slide Board Patient Transfer Sheets can be placed under a patient on and off the operating room table in the sitting or supine position.

Show product details for Anti Static Charcoal Grey Transfer Board - Choose Size

Anti Static Charcoal Grey Transfer Board - Choose Size

Anti Static Charcoal Grey Transfer Boards make transfer over uneven surfaces safe and simple.

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